Saturday 23 March 2013

Double Tenth Incident

Old YMCA Buiding
Operation Jaywick  was the sinking of seven Japanese ships outside the harbour in 1943,the Japanese instituted a crackdown subsequent to the attack.The Kempeitai,the Japanese military police,suspected that raiders had attacked base on information  sent out from Changi by a transmitter.They seized 57 internees on October 10 1943,and set in motion an event known as "The Massacre of the Double Tenth".The Japanese believed that they had been involved in activities related to the Double Tenth incident,they were watched closely by the Japanese.Unfortunately,Khun Heng,Elizabeth's husband,was also detained on 29 October 1943.Elizabeth was lured by the Japanese and eventually captured on 15 November 1943 and taken to a cell in the old YMCA building in Orchard Road.She was lured back as the Japanese said that they were going to bring her to her husband but instead they arrested her a
An informant told the Kempeitai that the Choys were involved in smuggling money into Changi Prison,so they believed that both Khun Heng and Elizabeth were involved in activities related to the Double Tenth Incident.

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